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Michigan Mental Health Series Honored at 2023 Awards Shows
West Bloomfield, Michigan (May 2023) – For excellence and distinction in the field of communications, Relativity Communications of West Bloomfield was recently honored by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts for its work on the weekly TV program, MI Healthy Mind. Picking up a total of four prestigious Communicator Awards, the cast and crew of the half-hour mental health show, which airs weekly throughout Michigan, were overwhelmed by their multiple wins.
“We at MI Healthy Mind are all thrilled and extremely gratified by this honor,” responded the show’s executive producer, Millie Elston, upon receiving the awards. “Being able to produce a program that has made such a difference and helped so many people was reward enough, but being recognized for our work by other professionals in the communications industry tremendous compliment and validated the hard work and creativity of our team.”
Relativity Communications, a full-service marketing and advertising firm best known for producing MI Healthy Mind, has also been honored by the mental health industry for its work on the show. The National Alliance of Mental Illness, NAMI, had also previously recognized the company with a coveted NAMI Michigan Honors-Media of the Year Award for programming.
According to Kevin Fischer, Executive Director of NAMI Michigan, “Every single week, MI Healthy Mind tackles a different, difficult subject related to mental wellness. The courage, insight and sensitivity shown in the production of these weekly shows has had a huge, positive impact in our communities. As they say on the show, “Let’s talk about it.” This award was just a small token of the gratitude we feel for the important work they are doing at Relativity.”
For more information about the Communicator Awards, please visit
For more information about NAMI, please visit www.namimi.org
For more information about MI Healthy Mind, please visit www.mihealthymind.com
See our Sizzle Reel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cl3H8SjggqA
For more information about Relativity Communications, please contact:
Executive Producer, MI Healthy Mind
RELATIVITY Communications
President, COO
(313) 520-1751